This summer, take a little moment to reflect on your choices when considering the correct bug repellent for you and your family. Is the option you chose your best bet? Is it infused with tons of chemicals? Should you take a quick step back (outside the store) to explore your alternatives – specifically, your natural options?
The full term for DEET is quite a mouthful: N, N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide. DEET is the active ingredient in most insect repellents you can pick up from the store. While it is effective in repelling ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, and other bugs, the substance itself may harm your central nervous system in the long run. So, you likely do not want products that use chemicals like that on your skin, or your kids especially.
If you take the time to consider a natural repellent, you will be surprised at just how effective it is. Naturally formulated repellents do not require chemicals like DEET to successfully protect the skin from bugs. So why not give it a try?
Most of us need insect repellents, but not everyone’s skin is compatible with standard insect repellents. Those with skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, or acne may not react well to chemical products. Those with sensitive skin, in general, who are constantly at risk for irritation are also advised to avoid standard repellents.
The best option, then, is to go natural! Without the harmful substances that worsen the body’s existing skin conditions. Bugs can bite if not properly repelled, leading to itchiness – many natural ingredients can offer an itch–free sensation on contact.
But even if you don’t suffer from these conditions, using repellents with natural ingredients will still do so many wonders for your skin. Natural ingredients often serve more than one purpose, one of which is skin health. Natural ingredients in all DERMAGLOVE PRODUCTS contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that improve your skin’s appearance and texture while actively boosting the body’s immune system with each and every application.