As we approach the warmer months and start going outside to enjoy the nice weather we don't give much thought to sun exposure and other environmental hazards. But one hazard in particular that is a nuisance for both people and pets is ticks. As a precaution, before heading out into thickly wooded areas, spray yourself and your pet with a repellant. For the best results find bug repellents that are effective against these arachnids.
Now, what do you do if happen to be one of those unlucky few who end up with a tick embedded in your skin? Here are some steps you can take on how to remove a tick.
Precautionary Steps
Before removing this parasite from your skin. You must preserve these arachnids for testing. You may be thinking why would I want to save this type of parasite? The primary reason for preserving the body of any parasite is for testing. These parasites need to be tested. Because these parasites draw blood there is the potential for them to carry any potential diseases.
If you happen to discover a tick on your skin or the family pet. What do you do?
Removing the Tick
Before setting off on the removal process. You want to proceed with some caution because you don't want to leave the tick's head lodged beneath the skin. If the head remains underneath the skin the chances of an infection dramatically increase. To avoid this from happening use fine-tipped angled tweezers to grasp the parasite firmly without crushing it. Once you remove the parasite you want to ensure that it's dead. Simply submerge this arachnid into an acceptable product that kills these types of parasites and you should be fine. This is the preferred choice. Once the tick is dead apply an antiseptic to the bite area and wash hands thoroughly with hot, soapy water.
Always take the necessary steps to kill ticks instantly upon contact. Once removed ensure they are safely eliminated. Whenever possible you want to preserve their bodies for testing.
Alternative Solutions
Another less evasive method is using our product, BUG OFF ME. This is a specialized, no-rinse, chemical-free solution developed to naturally repel ticks without leaving any toxic residue behind. This same product removes the use of tweezers because of the natural shield protection. When properly applied directly onto your skin’s surface it acts as a barrier between your skin and the parasite. This solution eradicates the tick's entire body, reducing the chances of the bite becoming infected. Another advantage of BUG OFF ME is that it preserves the tick. Once removed, pour the liquid into a sealed bottle or baggie it will act as a preservative. This final step provides safe preservation of the tick, which is essential for identifying potential diseases they may carry.