Custom Hygiene Dispenser Program

Program Overview

The DERMAGLOVE® Custom Hygiene Dispenser Program includes complimentary performance dispensers in exchange for a commitment to purchase hygiene-sustainable and eco-conscience bladders and wipes over a defined contract period at a set program rate. Each dispenser is engineered to dispense hand soap, sanitizing solutions, and bio-degradable wipes, making them ideal for use in bathrooms, kitchens, common areas, and high-traffic zones.

As part of the program, these custom hygiene dispensers include a lifetime warranty, monitored through on-site scheduled inspections that ensure functionality through the program implementation guidelines, providing the highest level in each facility. In addition, each company can customize branding to match facility aesthetics.

How the Program Works

Contact Us

Would you like a DERMAGLOVE® Representative to contact you to learn more? Fill out the form below!

Ask your assigned program rep about our “trial period offer” to determine which custom-selected hygiene products and dispensing options are best for your facility.

We offer on-site and online complimentary consultations to determine a program that suits your facility’s health and safety requirements.